You may have a vacancy or a particular gap in your organisations ability to source and interpret financial data. There may be an outstanding piece of financial analysis that is preventing you from making decisions. Others supporting you may find it difficult to provide the critically important information required to help you plan, evaluate, and control. You may have lots of ideas about value creation but find it difficult to justify your actions as you just don’t have the information.
Who do you turn to?
It is important that you know your options and what best suits your needs and budget.
We offer service levels and a broad range of skills by contracting in a management accountant to help you to take control. Contracting in a management accountant will support owners and managers to make critical financial and operating decisions and safeguard your organisations future. There are competency requirements that we bring that are significantly different to that of an accountant (general).
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Our role
Our role is a value add, we source and interpret “the numbers” and then communicate the information that is relevant so that key people have cost effective options from which to make critical decisions. Unlike a financial accountant who prepares financial statements and reports on how an organisation has performed our role is forward focused and strategic. A management accountant is not an accountant.
We will work with you at short notice to fill the void for a fixed-term period at your discretion, this is low risk as you are committed only for the period that you agree to. A New Era Management Services placement will look at some quick wins such as recommendations that will deliver savings to your bottom line. We can help you to equip your organisation with the tools, resources and strategy to build capacity and mitigate risks. We can also discuss how we can support you with once of finance and governance tasks.